complete the dialogues and write them down…

joeakter 22 сентября 2023

complete the dialogues and write them down A. It was nice of you to invite me to the play.It… idea. B… .you liked it… to the operahouse on Saturday. An opera by Verdi is on.

категория: английский язык


A. It was nice of you to invite me to the play.It was a wonderful idea.B. I'm glad you liked it. I'd like to invite you to the opera house on Saturday. An opera by Verdi is on.A. I'm afraid, I can't. I am not fond of opera very much. I prefer ballet instead.B. Then we can go to the Maly Theatre next week. What do you think? A. Oh, it will be great! But is there any worth-seeing ballets? B. Yes, there is one. It's "The sleeping beauty".A. Good choice. I have always wanted to watch it. We may go there at the weekend. What about Saturday? B. OK, let's meet next to the theatre at 7 o'clock? and I will pay for the tickets.A. All right, bye.B. Bye.

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