change the following sentences from Present Indefinite Tense…

tatyshka 20 мая 2024

change the following sentences from Present Indefinite Tense to the Present Continuous Tense.Add a word or phrase like nontinuous Tense.Add a word orphrase like now, today, at this moment, at present to each sentence.1.I write a letter. 2.Richard walks to school. 3.We live in that house. 4.My father works in his garden. 5. The book lies on the table.6. The train stops at the station. 7.We travel to London.8.The gardener cuts down a tree. 9.John comes home.10.The shopkeeper ties up the parcel.

категория: английский язык


1. I am writing a letter at present.2 .Richard is walking to school now. 3.We are living in that house at present. 4.My father is working in his garden at this moment. 5. The book is lying on the table now.6. The train is stopping at the station at the moment. 7.We are travelling to London today.8.The gardener is cutting down a tree at present. 9.John is coming home today.10.The shopkeeper is tying up the parcel at the moment.//

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