1. Ben is five today. There are five (pencils/candles) on the table.2

we1tkind 15 сентября 2023

1. Ben is five today. There are five (pencils/candles) on the table.2. Ben's father (eats/lights) the candles.3. Ben (phones/invites) six friends to his (birthday party/birthday cake).4. The (weather/sun) is fine today.5. the (wind/sky) is blue.6. A pleasant (snow/wind) is blowing.7. It never (rains/snows) in Africa

категория: английский язык


1. Ben is five today. There are five candles on the table.2. Ben's father lights the candles.3. Ben invites six friends to his birthday party.4. The weather is fine today.5. the sky is blue.6. A pleasant wind is blowing.7. It never snows in Africa

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