1. АнглНадо исправить тут ошибки.Veronica Bugrova has a big family

gostev 13 сентября 2023

1. АнглНадо исправить тут ошибки.Veronica Bugrova has a big family. Veronica figure skater mother. She is 35 years old, and it very beautiful. She is a figure skater 20 years, and it has many medals. Veronica's father very strict man. He is 50 years old, but he look younger. his second daughter Gaby actress. It very popular and talented. She is 10 years old, and she very much to study well at school. Veronica and Gaby's grandmother was a cook. She still makes for them tasty breakfasts and dinners. Veronica too to study well at school. It has fair hair and beautiful eyes. It not high and not the low. Her family very cheerful and they often together go to walk to park and often together fly to the different countries._______________СРООЧНОО

категория: английский язык


VeronicaBugrova has a big family. Veronica figure skater mother. She is 35 years old,and it very beautiful. She is a figure skater 20 years, and it has many medals.Veronica's father very strict man. He is 50 years old, but he looks younger. Hissecond daughter Gaby actress. It very popular and talented. She is 10 yearsold, and she very much to study well at school. Veronica and Gaby's grandmotherwas a cook. She still makes for them tasty breakfasts and dinners. Veronica tooto study well at school. It has fair hair and beautiful eyes. It not high andnot the low. Her family very cheerful and they often together go to walk topark and often together fly to the different countries.

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