Помогите пожалуйста с заданием по английскому Don't agree with…

sva17 09 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста с заданием по английскому Don't agree with the statements given below using I'm afraid. Do the exercise inpairs.

категория: английский язык


I think tins suit is cheap. — I'm afraid you are wrong. It is very expensive.1) I think his answer is correct. I'm afraid you are wrong.his answer is not correct. 2) I think you have meals two times a day.I'm afraid you are wrong.I have meals 3times a day. 3) I think the weather will be fine tomorrow.I'm afraid you are wrong.The weater will be rainy.4) I think this film is new. I'm afraid you are wrong.This film is old.5) I think your sister is hungry.I'm afraid you are wrong.My sister isn*t hungry.6) I think we can buy here a nice dress. I'm afraid you are wrong.I do not like this store.7) I think Andrew is at home. I'm afraid you are wrong.Andrew is left.8) I think Bill likes to play chess. I'm afraid you are wrong.Bill likes to play tennis.9) I think he has a sister.I'm afraid you are wrong.He has a brother.

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