Помогите, пожалуйста!

ravec 13 ноября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста! Мне нужен перевод текста на англиский язык. «Люди начали путешествовать давным-давно. В настоящее время есть много компаний, которые помогут вам. Они позаботятся о ваших билетах и забронируют все что нужно.

категория: английский язык


People started to travel long time ago. Now there are many companies which will help you. They will take care of your tickets and book everything is needed. Вon't You speak in language of country you are going to? There are translators who will help you.Modern level of service gives you a opportunity to travel around the world. You can choose a transport that you like: plane, train, ship, bicycle, or you can travel by your feet.As to me, I like to travel by the car. It's very comfortable, because you can stop when you want, to better see the sights and nature. In addition, it is not necessary to buy tickets and walk with heavy suitcases. We went to St. Petersburg by the car, to see our friends and relatives. We spent very good time there. I love to travel, so much!

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